Via Francigena. Road to Rome 2021. Start again!
Via Francigena. Road to Rome 2021. Start again! is a relay march along the 3200 km of the Via Francigena cultural route. A group of travelers will walk and cycle through all stages of the route, crossing England, France, Switzerland and Italy.
Organized by the European Association of Via Francigena Ways (EAVF) with its network of partners and friends, the march relaunches sustainable and cultural tourism in response to the pandemic and regenerate local economies.
It also aims to support the Via Francigena (VF) candidacy to the UNESCO World Heritage List, celebrate the foundation of EAVF, and the 27th anniversary of the recognition of the Via Francigena as a "Cultural Route of the Council of Europe", granted in 1994.
The growing number of slow travelers all over the world shows a trend towards practicing cultural and sustainable tourism. The VF pilgrimage merges the positive impacts of proximity tourism with those of slow tourism to create a sustainable model.
It supports a form of rural tourism focused on local economies and cultures while contrasting mass tourism trends that overexploit few macro destinations.
The European Association of Via Francigena Ways acts as a promoter and policymaker in the economic and socio-cultural development of the route, boosting job creation and the value of local cultures, and encourages multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable development.
More details can be found on the EAVF website: