The most complete source of tourism knowledge



UN Tourism offers the most complete source of tourism knowledge

Within the UN Tourism Elibrary UN Tourism offers more than 1400 electronic publications and 1700 tourism data sets on domestic, inbound and outbound tourism for more that 200 countries and territories which are regularly updated.

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UN Tourism Publications services include:

UN Tourism Elibrary


The UN Tourism Elibrary is the largest online collection of publications and statistics in the field of tourism and contains all UN Tourism publications published to date and 1700 regularly updated data sets and indicators on inbound (arrivals and overnight stays), outbound and domestic tourism, as well as tourism industries, employment and macroeconomic indicators on tourism.

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UN Tourism Author Guidelines

For all those who create UN Tourism content, the Publications unit has prepared basic easy-to-handle Author Guidelines that include useful examples for the most common questions authors might have. These guidelines are mandatory for all those who prepare content on behalf of UN Tourism, such as consultants, experts or employees.

Among others, you will find answers and solutions on how a UN Tourism manuscript or text should be built and structured, how to use country names in a correct way or how to deal with measures. As well the documents offer guidance on how to present tables and graphs or other additional elements such as pictures or logos. The guidelines also help in preparing refences and bibliography lists correctly.

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