Tourism Training Module: International Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism

Tourism Training Module: International Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism

This Tourism Training Model is part of a series of interrelated projects that are carried out within the context of the International Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism, co-funded by the European Commission. The Tourism Training Module is designed to assist educators in integrating the subject of CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children) in tourism into existing tourism-related courses. The materials are prepared to use approximately 4-8 hours of classroom time. The module includes a suggested outline for lecture, in-depth background information, structured lecture notes, discussion questions, exercises, case studies and projects, overhead slide programme for class presentation and a resource list. The hard copy also contains a CD-ROM with slides, videos and logos-

The module is meant to be flexible in contents and implementation and adaptable to local needs, not only as language is concerned. Teachers are in fact encouraged to add the local cultural context by adapting the materials, suggested activities and presentation ideas. Due to the special importance of the subject the publication is offered at a price below cost. Download the full module here or visit UNWTO's e-library, here.

See also:

UNWTO's activities related to the Protection of Children in Tourism


ISBN: 978-92-844-0498-8