viventura's Cultural Exchange Day with Underprivileged Children

In celebration of World Tourism Day the viventura team is heading into one of the poorer areas of Medellin to share their travel and tourism experiences with the underprivileged children of the neighborhood. Many of these children have never traveled outside of their city let alone the country. Tourism in Colombia is relatively new and many of them have never even seen a foreigner. Our local office is comprised of 2 Americans, 2 Bolivians, 7 Colombians, 7 Germans, 4 Frenchs and 2 Austrians making for a great cultural exchange. We are planning to take food, drinks, and activities such as painting, and street chalk drawing. In addition to the activities and snacks we will talk about the positive impacts tourism can have on their local economy and the opportunities it provides. We will also speak to them of the importance of responsible, sustainable tourism and taking care of their planet and city. This event is organized monthly by our foundation ViSozial read our last viventura's cultural exchange day report here: For more information about viventura visit


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