General Assembly - Twenty-fourth session
Twenty-fourth session of the UNWTO General Assembly, 30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain

- Resolutions
- List of participants
- List of documents
- Provisional programme rev.6
- Provisional programme: Thematic session
- Information Note No.1 (A/24/Note Inf. 1 rev. 2)
- Video Competition Guidelines
- Induction Session: Towards an International Code for the Protection of Tourists
- 1. Provisional agenda (A/24/1 prov. rev.1)
- 1. Annotated provisional agenda (/24/1 prov. annot. rev.1)
- 2. Election of President and Vice-Presidents (A/24/2 rev.1)
- 3. Appointment of the Credentials Committee (A/24/3)
- 4. Report of the Secretary-General on current trends of international tourism (A/24/4 rev.2)
- 5(a) Implementation of the General Programme of Work (A/24/5(a) rev.3)
- 5(b) Report of the financial situation of the Organization (A/24/5(b) rev.1)
- 5(c) Human resources report (A/24/5(c))
- 5(c) Addendum, Human resources report (A/24/5(c) Add.)
- 6(a) Membership status (A/24/6(a) rev.2)
- 6(b) Suspension of membership in accordance with Article 34 of the Statutes (...) (A/24/6(b) rev.3)
- 7. Report of the Executive Council to the General Assembly (A/24/7)
- 8. Report of the Credentials Committee (A/24/8 rev.1)
- 9. Appointment of the Secretary-General for the period 2022-2025 (A/24/9)
- 10. Establishment of UNWTO Regional Offices (A/24/10 rev.1)
- 11. Proposal of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Redesigning Tourism for the Future (A/24/11)
- 11. Amendment of Spain to the Proposal of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Redesigning Tourism for the Future (A/24/11 rev.1)
- 12. Report of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics (A/24/12)
- 13. Election of the Members of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics (A/24/13)
- 14. World Tourism Day: information on the activities of 2020 and 2021 and designation of countries for 2022 and 2023 (A/24/14 rev.1)
- 15. Election of the Executive Council Members (A/24/15 rev.1)
- 16. Reform of the Organization: Progress on JIU recommendations (A/24/16 rev.1)
- 17. Amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly and Executive Council (A/24/17)
- 18(a) Report of the Chair of the Affiliate Members(A/24/18(a) rev.1)
- 18(b) Reform of the UNWTO Affiliate Membership Legal Framework (A/24/18(b) rev.1)
- 19. Place and dates of the twenty-fifth session of the General Assembly (A/24/19 rev.2)
- Report of the Programme and Budget Committee (PBC) (CE/114/PBC19)
- Report of the Associate Members Meeting
- International Code for the Protection of Tourists (Chinese translation)
- International Code for the Protection of Tourists (Arabic translation)
- Model credentials letter
- Model credentials letter for representation (proxy format)