Montenegro Matching Priorities

Tourism Data and Matching Priorities - Montenegro

  • Montenegro has been part of UNWTO COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package with EBRD. Project finished in 2022.
  • Montenegro is a member of the Committee for the development of an International Code for the Protection of Tourists (ICPT)
  • UNWTO supported Montenegro in the development of a new, 2021-2025 National Tourism Strategy

Rural tourism

(Match:The development of rural tourism is identified as a powerful tool, addressing the challenges of  seasonality and territorial disparity the country is facing. Montenegro Programme of Rural Tourism Development for 2019-2021 aims at fostering the development of diversified and authentic rural tourism offer of Montenegro, as a way of improving the population's standard of living and cease the depopulation in rural areas.

  • Explore the possibility to organize joint initiatives, in particular on a regional scale (I.e, Balkans, Mediterranean scope).
  • UNWTO Rural Tourism Development Programme - Best Tourism Villages of the World: International Label; Tourism Villages Upgrade Programme; Best Tourism Villages Network
    • Montenegro has submitted a maximum of 3 applications for the pilot project in 2021, of which two, “Godinje” and “Gornja Lastva” were chosen for the BTV Upgrade Programme
    • Montenegro has not submitted any application for 2022 BTV

Sustainable development and management of tourism.

(Match: ”Overtourism” - one of the major problems in pre-Covid-19 era. Ministry’s focus is on the creation of alternative tourism offer to spread tourists across the seasons and regions. Also, Montenegro has launched a National Strategy for Sustainable Development until 2030, which reflects the importance given to SDG.)

  • Segments of interest: Support Montenegro in the enhancement of its tourism segments of interest through capacity building activities (Tourism Plan, tourism promotion, tourism product development) or support in the development of research activities (TMIC, TECO)
  • One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme
    • Global Tourism Plastic Initative
    • Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism
    • COVID-19 responsible Tourism Recovery
  • Further development of the Global Tourism Plastics initiative (led by UNWTO, UN Environment and the government of France in collaboration with Ellen MacArthur Foundation). More info: Signatory of the International Tourism Plastic Pledge (2019). The signatories recognize the urgency and the need to work together to reduce plastic pollution. Together they represent around 180,000 employees and 50 million holidaymakers. In the coming months, a plan will be developed to reduce the use of plastics and to prevent plastic pollution at destinations. This will be a collaboration with UNWTO, UN Environment and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. MVO Nederland (CSR Netherlands) is the initiator.

Enhance the tourism offer of the country

(Match: Montenegro is putting emphasis on the diversification and improvement of tourism products and of the tourist experience. Segments of interest include, but are not limited to nature tourism, adventure, spa and wellness, rural tourism, gastronomy tourism and nautical tourism)

  • Different programs: UNWTO can support in development of different programs for specific tourism offers (Nautic tourism, Sport tourism, etc)
  • MICE industry: Suggest hosting an ICCA Masterclass in the near future. Note: the development of the MICE industry is listed as a priority for Montenegro.

Education & Training

(Match: The enhancement of skills of the tourism workforce, along with the creation of jobs in tourism, is identified as a key priority for the country, in line with their wish to upgrade the quality of their tourism offer).

  • Support through the UNWTO.Academy: UNWTO can support Montenegro in the development of tourism educational programmes , along with the delivery of tailored-made trainings.
  • Support the promotion of the Montenegro through the organization of potential Masterclasses (Google, Amadeus, ICCA) and theme-based webinars

Entrepreneurship & digital transformation

(Match: In December 2018, the Government of Montenegro adopted the Start-ups Programme prepared by the Ministry of Science for encouraging the creation of innovative startups and an innovative ecosystem (Funds: 4.5 M EUR).)

  • Introduce the UNWTO Start-up Competition, the world’s largest startup competition in tourism worldwide
  • Possibility of opening of an Innovation Hub in Montenegro, considering its strong interest in developing the Start-ups ecosystem
  • Organization of UNWTO Masterclasses with Google / Amadeus: Possibility to organize a Masterclass on the analysis of data for better tourism decision making / Google on better promotion of destinations through a better use of Google tools.

International tourism

Arrivals per region

Main Source Markets:


Main Outbound Markets:


Travel and Tourism Contribution


International Tourism arrivals


International Tourism Receipts

Average Receipts per Arrival: Montenegro: $545 / Global: $1,051

10 year average annual growth of tourist arrivals

Tourism Development Strategy 2022 - 2025


Montenegro manages the destination in a sustainable way, creating an innovative, green and inclusive tourism product, influencing the increase in tourism spending, reducing seasonality and regional imbalance, with the aim of raising living standards of local population and tourist satisfaction

Operational Goals:

  1. Improved regulatory framework in tourism with formalization of tourism turnover
  2. Improved tourism infrastructure and supporting infra and supra structure
  3. Improved quality and quantity of accommodation capacities
  4. Improved quality of diversified tourism product
  5. Improved human resources, knowledge and skills in tourism
  6. Development of digital, innovative solutions and new technologies in tourism
    • Strengthening and optimization of the national statistical system
  7. A globally recognized tourist destination

Government of Montenegro -