Su e Zo Detour
The association TGS Eurogroup, which has been organising the solidarity walk "Su e Zo per i Ponti di Venezia" (Up and Down the Bridges of Venice) since the beginning, invites you to Venice for special guided tours inspired by the routes of the event. The "Su e Zo Detour" project's main theme is the Cultural Route of this year's solidarity walk, entitled "Itineraries of Venetian craftsmanship and creativity", drawn up by the Tourist Communication Service of the City of Venice.
Each itinerary leads to the discovery of different craft shops, from glass beads to masks, from artistic engravings to the ancient art of gold leaf.
The project "Su e Zo Detour" has received the patronage of the City of Venice and is included in the official calendar of Heritage Walks on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, promoted and coordinated in Italy by the Council of Europe Venice Office.