24th UNWTO General Assembly

24th UNWTO General Assembly | Contact

30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain

UNWTO coordinators

Ms. Zhanna Yakovleva

Chief of Cabinet
Office of the Secretary-General

 cose@unwto.org  +34 91 567 8100

Ms. Yolanda Sansegundo

Conference Services Specialist
Conference Services

 ysansegundo@unwto.org  assembly@unwto.org  +34 91 567 8188

Host-country coordinators

Mr. Javier Fernández González

Deputy Director General of Cooperation and Tourism Competitiveness
State Secretariat for Tourism

 asambleaOMTmadrid@mincotur.es  +34 91 732 6456

Ms. Teresa Gancedo Nieto

Chief, International Relations Area
State Secretariat for Tourism

 mtgancedo@mincotur.es  asambleaOMTmadrid@mincotur.es  +34 91 732 6503