
Bairro Testa Alto,
[email protected]

The Enxaimel Route (Testo Alto neighborhood) is listed as a Historic and Landscape Heritage by IPHAN (Institute of National Historic and Artistical Heritage), with around 50 listed houses built using the half-timber technique, over 16km, in a valley of fields planted with corn, sugarcane and palm trees, surrounded by hills of Atlantic forest. The Enxaimel Route is a neighborhood of Pomerode, has become a nationally recognized tourist destination, due to its cultural tourism and its already consolidated facilities, such as a Zoo, Parks and Museums, Breweries, in addition to several other private facilities. The city of Pomerode as a whole was recently certified as a “Safe Travel” destination, with the activity of Tourist Guides, who guide visitors by adding cultural content, with stories about the neighborhood and immigrants. Rural activity is a tradition that comes from the previous generations, who had this activity as their main source of income and sustenance. The neighborhood is an example that harmonizing and respecting the rural environment and preservation to ecological sustainability. Tourists can visit historic houses, walk along nature trails, and learn how immigrants lived and worked 150 years ago. 



Partnerships for an economic conducive framework

The Enxaimel Route Association has a partnership with a financial institution (Viacredi – Credit Cooperative), which is providing resources for the promotion of activities for the development of companies. It also offers financing lines. Sebrae – Brazilian Support Service for Small and Micro Enterprises – has also declared a partnership with the Association and will support, through consultancy, the development of the tourism value chain and management development of the business. 


Economic sustainability

The neighbourhood’s economic development will be the main engine to bring development, improve infrastructure and ensure resources for the conservation of architectural heritage. Environmental legislation requires garbage collection and recycling initiatives, supported by the municipality itself. 


Part of the Enxaimel Route

The Enxaimel route (Testo Alto district) is listed as a Historical and Landscape Heritage Site by IPHAN (Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage), with the aim of preserving and protecting Brazil’s material and immaterial heritage. Being a rural area, it is one of the places where cultural heritage has been most preserved, whether tangible (architecture, landscape) or intangible (customs, language, cuisine).