Pangandaran Regency Sustainable Tourism Observatory

Member since


Hosted by

Centre for Tourism Planning and Development
Institute of Technology Bandung

Monitoring area

Batukaras Village, Pangandaran Regency

The Centre for Tourism Planning and Development of the Institute of Technology Bandung is one of the 20 Center under the Institute for Research and Community Services coordinated by the Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Partnership. The Centre is a pioneer of tourism research centre in Indonesia and aims to become a node of academic disciplines and public private sectors associated with tourism development.



  • Collect and disseminate data, information and knowledge in the field of sustainable tourism for academics and decision makers in the public and private sectors in Indonesia
  • Report regularly the observatory monitoring result on an annual basis and disseminate the information to other destination in the world
  • Support the sustainable tourism area of expertise both academic and professional, through the development of formal and non-formal education
  • Extended Preliminary Study/Report of P-P2Par ITB as STO in Batukaras Village
  • Create awareness and provide the widest opportunity for local communities in destination to develop knowledge and skills in the field of sustainable tourism to stimulate community participation
  • Facilitate and coordinate networking among observatories in Indonesia
  • Provide recommendation for the improvement of the methodological framework of the UNWTO sustainable tourism indicator through accumulated experience of monitoring the various unique destination in Indonesia

Current Monitoring Processes

Current monitoring process in Batukaras Village is Socialization of Sustainable Tourism Observatory to local stakeholder, attended by Local Tourism Authority of Pangandaran Regency, Local Technical Unit of Tourism Authority in Cijulang District, Headman of Batukaras Village, Cijulang Sub-district Police Command, Military Headquarter at Village level, Kompepar Batukaras (Local Community Organization related to tourism), Kompepar Green Canyon and Batukaras Clear (Local Community related to Cleanliness of Batukaras Beach).


  • Local satisfaction with tourism
  • Employment
  • Tourism seasonality
  • Community and destination economic benefits
  • Solid waste management


In Batukaras Beach, there is a weekly programme called “Friday Clean” (Jumat Bersih in Bahasa Indinesia), whereas many locals and other stakeholder in Batukaras participate to keep the beach clean from the rubbish.





Centre for Tourism Planning and Development