Country: Spain

Website: http://www.cenp.com


Activity overview: In 1957 started to operate the first School of Tourism in Spain. Since then it is specialized in Higher Education in Tourism.  Currently CENP is responsible for Tourism Education for the University San Pablo-CEU (Madrid, Spain) and University of A Coruña (Galicia, Spain). Member of the UNWTO Affiliate Members’ Board. Representative of the UNWTO Affiliate Members Board in the UNWTO Programme Committee

Specializations, Areas & Projects: Education and Training in Tourism (Knowledge development and innovation) Architecture and Tourism / hotel Design: Accessibility, Use of resources, Save of Energy and the impact of Architecture in Climate Change. Responsible Tourism. Accessible Tourism.  Development through Tourism. Collaboration between the public and private sectors. Resources for Tourism. Tourism Marketing. Sales (RM) and CRM Tourism and Health: Good practices policy for International Travellers, Looking after clients with food allergies in the hospitality industry.

Strategic vision: Tourism is a continuous growing activity, which uses public resources and has proven to be able to help the development of destinations faster than any other activity, while producing both very positive economic, cultural and social effects and negative impacts on the environment and society.   Our goal is to satisfy the demand of qualified and capable professionals well prepared to face the challenges of this continuously changing sector, and, at the same time to contribute to develop knowledge.